Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Apriyan, Rizal
, Drs. Sujadi,MM
HB Economic Theory
2018-02-10 03:47:24
Abstract :
Investment in the field of property in today's growing growth of the increasing number of population in Indonesia which in determining the rate of demand for land is higher than the offer. This study aims to increase the exchange rate of Rupiah, inflation, and interest rate (BI rate) composite stock price index (CSPI) property and real estate sector in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The period used in this study is 5 (five) years, starting from 2011-2015.
The method used in this research is multiple linear regression method which is done with IBM SPSS 23 with level of significance 0,05. Before the multiple linear regression analysis test is done classical clinical test first to regression equation that produced BIRU (Best, Linear, Sila, Estimasi). The data used are secondary data from the year data series from 2011-2015 for each research variable. In addition to assessing the goodness of fit a model tested determination, F test, and t test.
Based on the results of data analysis concluded. The exchange rate has a significant negative impact on the JCI of the property sector and real estate whereas, inflation and interest rates have no effect on JCI and property sector. Together (simultaneous) exchange rate, inflation, and interest rate (BI rate), significant to IHSG of property sector and real estate.
Keywords: IHSG property and real estate sector, investment, macroeconomics, exchange rate, interest rate, inflation.