Analisis Kualitas Lingkungan Permukiman di Desa Gonilan, Pabelan dan Makamhaji Kecamatan Kartasura, Kabupaten Sukoharjo Tahun 2014
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Khoiri, Ghufron
, Drs. Priyono, M.Si
, Agus Anggoro Sigit, S. Si, M. Sc
GE Environmental Sciences 
2019-11-20 01:27:02 
Abstract :
The rapidly growing population has implication to increasing large space that required for shelter and other facilities. This phenomenon is one of the causes of quality changes in settlement environment. Assessment of environmental quality of settlement using environmental quality parameters obtained through image satellite interpretation. Images satellite source from Google Earth can provide the information which used to identify the determinants of the environment settlement quality. The purpose of this study is to analyze the distribution of environmental quality of settlements in the research area and to know the dominant factors affecting the quality distribution of settlement environment in the research area. The parameters of environmental settlement quality are obtained through two ways: 1) Image interpretation consisting of house density, house size, road surface condition, entrance width, road covering tree (vegetation cover), and layout. 2) A terrestrial survey consisting of drinking-able water, domestic sewerage, rainwater channels, and household waste disposal. The research method used the weighted average method to access the quality of environmental settlement. The weighted method is performed by giving the value of multiple each parameter which based on the size from the quality of settlement environment. While the using method to determine the relation of each parameter with this quality of environmental settlement is an analysis of cross-table. The results of this research are the form of a map of the distribution of environmental settlement quality level in the Gonilan, Pabelan, and Makamhaji villages where have the dominant factors influence the distribution of environmental settlements quality condition. The level in this research includes class I (good) of 2.743.949,55 m2 and class II (medium) equal to 382.931,55 m2. The parameters of the effect on the distribution of environmental settlement quality condition in this research area is the condition of the road surface with Approximate Significance value 0.000, the entrance width with Approximate Significance value 0,007, the layout with Approximate Significance value 0,002, rain channel with Approximate Significance value 0.000, and household waste disposal with Approximate Significance value 0.000. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta