Aplikasi Sistem Pengolahan Nilai Siswa SMA Negeri 3 Sragen (APISMA_3) Berbasis Android
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Wijayanto, Frendi
, Dr. Ir. Bana Handaga, M.T.
QA76 Computer software 
2018-08-13 06:48:56 
Abstract :
School’s facilities and infrastructure becomes to be students’s reference for supporting their academic activity. One of them is management issue of school raport assestment that conducted by manual, so it needs good system to manage academic in its implementation for the shake of effectiveness and speed performance in accessing it. The purpose of this study is to build “Aplikasi Sistem Pengolahan Nilai Siswa SMAN 3 Sragen” or it can be shortened to “APISMA_3”. For the pleasant of students’s school grade inputing process by the teachers as user interface in the form of website and the output will be formed to be pdf file which has integrated in mobile device. APISMA_3 application is made by Android Studio software with java programming language. API as the intermediatery for data exchange that accessed by HTTP protocol needs help from MySQLI to acquire the data from database with JSON format. Observation and interview directly conducted to find out the complaints faced by the school's features such as import values from Excel, students can download and view report cards. The responses obtained from prospective users, namely the teacher showed 87.43% and students 87.29% of the average. The current application status has been implemented at SMAN 3 Sragen but still uses localhost, while the application is compatible with mobile devices with the operating system of the Android version of ice cream sandwich 4.0 and above. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta