Model Sosialisasi Nilai-Nilai Sila Ke-4 Pancasila Dengan Menggunakan Metode Diskusi Kolaborasi Brainstorming pada Pemuda Dusun Jetak (Studi Kasus : RW 03, Dusun Jetak, Desa Wonorejo, Kecamatan Gondangrejo, Kabupaten Karanganyar)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Dwi Astuti, Devianita
, Prof. Dr. Bambang Sumardjoko
LB1501 Primary Education 
2018-08-15 04:23:53 
Abstract :
This study aims to: 1) Describe the socialization of the values of the 4th principle of Pancasila in the youth of Dusun Jetak so far; 2) Describe the form of Brainstorming collaboration discussion method; 3) To know the model of socialization of the four principles of Pancasila Precepts by using the Brainstorming Collaboration Discussion Method in Jetak Dusun youth. The type of research used is qualitative research with Risearch and Development method. Data collection techniques used in this study are the method of observation, unstructured interviews and documentation. Test the validity of data by using triangulation of data sources and data collection techniques. The data analysis used is interactive model. The results of this study indicate that: 1) socialization of the 4th principle of Pancasila in Jetak Dusun Youth in all musyawarah activities to take a decision by not imposing the will of others. Prioritize deliberation in making decisions for common interests, often voting (voting) to determine a decision. Every deliberation is always filled with a high sense of kinship with each other. All youths honor every final decision as a result of deliberation. All youth execute a mutually agreed decision. Form of socialization that has been implemented include primary socialization, secondary socialization, participatory socialization, formal socialization and informal socialization. 2) The form of method Brainstorming collaboration discussion is a form of cooperation between two methods combined. Collaboration of both motodes in the socialization will directly foster the enthusiasm of youth in following the deliberations. 3) Youth enthusiasm in Dusun Jetak, Wonorejo Village, Gondangrejo Sub-district, Karanganyar District before the pilot model is 9 (30%). After the model test is done through the socialization model of Pancasila sila-4 values using Brainstorming collaboration discussion method, in trial I increased to 18 participants (60%) and trial II increased again to 25 people (83.33%) of the 30 youths in attendance. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta