Pengaruh Senam Prolanis terhadap Tekanan Darah Pasien Hipertensi di Puskesmas Purwodiningratan Kota Surakarta
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Sidiq, Muhammad Nur
-, Arif Widodo, S.ST., M.Kes
RT Nursing 
2019-05-15 04:07:12 
Abstract :
Background: Hypertension is often found condition in primary health care. The high incidence of hypertension influence by several factors, one of them is activity. Physical activity afford to show the risk of death decrease 29% until 67% in patients who do hard physical activity, as much as 12% untill 35% in patients who do moderate physical activity, that showed if able the correlations between activity level and decreasing the risk of death in hypertension patients. Purpose: to knowing the effect of Prolanis exercise concerning the decrease of hypertension patients blood pressure in Puskesmas Purwodiningratan, Surakarta. Methode: this research is quantitative research with Quasi experiment research design with one grup pretest-posttest design approach done on 22 February - 15 March 2019. Population in this research is all of the Prolanis exercise participants in local gvt. Clinic Purwodiningratan Surakarta that total of them 50 people, 30 people choosed by inclusion criteria. There is confounding variabel in this research are genetic, medicine, and dietary. The data analysis used paired sample t-test. Result: There is Prolanis exercise effect on blood pressure significant, with p value of systolic pressure (p=0,002), and diastolic pressure (p=0,001). Conclusion: giving Prolanis exercise routinely one time on week can make decreasing blood pressure. Keywords: prolanis, blood pressure, hypertension 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta