Nilai Moral Dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Titip Rindu Untuk Ibu Karya Eidelweis Almira: Tinjauan Sosiologi Sastra dan Implementasinya Sebagai Bahan Ajar di SMA
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
, Adetiya
, Drs. Adyana Sunanda, M.Pd.
L Education (General) 
2019-11-18 06:16:06 
Abstract :
Adetiya / A310130160. MORAL VALUES IN EARELWEIS ALMIRA'S TITIP RENTAL COLLECTION COLLECTION: REVIEW OF LITERATURE SOCIOLOGY AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION AS LITERATURE TEACHING IN HIGH SCHOOL. Essay. Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University Surakarta. May 2019. This study aims to (1) describe the structure that builds the story of TitipRindu for the mother by Eidelweis Almira, (2) describes the moral value in the title of TitipRindu for Mother by Eidelweis Almira with a review of Sociology of Literature, (3) describes the short story implementation Request Rindu for Ms. Eidelweis Almira's work as a literary teaching material in high school. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with the object of research being moral values in TitipRindu's short stories for Mothers. Data collection is done by library techniques, see, and note. The validity of the data uses the theory of triangulation. The data analysis technique is done by the dialectical method. The results of this study are (1) the story structure of TitipRindu for Mothers, among others, the theme is about the struggle of a mother to raise her child in reaching her child's dreams. The facts of the story, a) the plot used is the forward and backward flow, b) the main character in the short story "Mother of the Little Angel" is Rina, then on the short story "My Mother My Hero" is Rini, then on the short story "Love Your Mother" is Vi, and the last one on "He is also Your Mother" is Heni, c) the background of the four short stories is in the Jakarta area, (2) The moral value contained in the collection of short stories, Titeng Rindu for the mother of Eidelweis Almira consists of a) short story "Mother of Little Angels" there are moral values of humanity, b) short stories "My Mother Heroes" there are human moral values, social moral and religious morals, c) short stories "Love your mother" there are human moral values, social morality and moral diversity, d) short stories "He is also your mother" there are human moral values, social morality, and religious morals, (3) this study is in accordance with the criteria for selecting teaching materials, namely a) aspects of language, b) aspects of psychology, c) aspects of student background so that they can be implement it as teaching material in class XI high school in accordance with KD 3.9 Analyzing the building blocks of short stories in a collection of short stories and KD 4.9 constructs a short story with attention to the short story building elements. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta