Analisis Pengaruh Modal Awal, Nilai Produksi, Lama Usaha Dan Lokasi Usaha Terhadap Jumlah Tenaga Kerja Industri Kerajinan Kulit Di Kelurahan Selosari Kecamatan Magetan Kabupaten Magetan
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Prasetiyo, Dwi Agung
, Siti Fatimah NH,SE,MSi.
HB Economic Theory 
2019-11-22 02:50:05 
Abstract :
This study is entitled "Analysis of the Effect of Initial Capital, Production, Business Duration, and Business Location on Manpower Absorption in the Leather Industry in Selosari Village, Magetan districts, Magetan Regency". Used to study start-up capital, production value, length of business and business location for work in the Leather Industry in Selosari Village, Magetan Districts, Magetan Regency Variables depend on labor conditions, while other variables, production values, length of business and business location. The sample used in this research is 38 leather craftsman in Selosari Village, Magetan districts, Magetan Regency. Determination of the sample using the Slovin formula and obtained results of 38 leather craftsmen. The sampling method used is convenience sampling method. The data of this study were obtained with primary data, and using multiple linear regression analysis method Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The results of the analysis are: (1) The result of normality data with Jarque Bera model is normally distributed; (2) The result of linearity test with Ramsey Reset model indicates that the model berrenduk linear; (3) The results of classical tests show that there are no problems of multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation; (4) The result of t test can know the significant production and location variables, while the old and old variables have no significant effect; (5) F test results show the model used exist; (6) R2 obtains a value of 72,04%, which means that 72,04%, of variation in labor absorption can be explained by initial capital variable, production value, business length, and business location. While the remaining 27.96% is explained by other independent variables or other factors not included in the model. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta