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Universitas Islam Kalimantan M A B Banjarmasin
Habibah, Habibah
T Technology (General) 
2022-03-24 02:26:43 
Abstract :
Satuan polisi pamong praja (SatPol PP) di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan merupakan petugas yang memiliki tanggung jawab sebagai penertiban di tempat- tempat umum. Dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab perlu dilakukan penjadwalan bagi petugas polisi pamong praja. Petugas satuan polisi pamong praja yang berstatus tenaga kontrak sudah adasejak lama, sama halnya dengan petugas pns dan petugas tetap satpol pp. Tenaga akan ditugaskan dan dibagi ke beberapa bidang yang ada di kantor satpol pp provinsi kalimantan selatan, tapi sesuai istilah kontrak maka tugas untuk petugas satuan polisipamong praja tenaga kontrak hanya berlaku sampai satu tahun setelahitu petugas tenaga kerja satuan polisi pamong praja provinsi kalimantan selatan wajib memperpanjang masa kontrak. Untuk melakukan perpanjangan masa kontraktenaga kontrak tersebut dibuatlah syarat dan ketentuan agar dapat mempermanjangmasa kontraknya agar pada saat masa kontrak diperpanjang, tenaga kontrak dapat dipastikan masih memenuhi syarat dan kentuan yang berlaku. Aplikasi Penerimaan Pegawai Kontrak Dan Perpanjangan Kontrak Kerja Berbasis Web Pada Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan yangtelah terkomputerisasi dapat membantu penginputan data dengan cepat dan akurat.Aplikasi didukung oleh fasilitas pencarian data pada tiap sub menu sehingga semuainformasi yang dibutuhkan admin atau pegawai mudah didapat, cepat dan akurat sehingga dapat dikelola dengan baik. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan agar aplikasi dapat dikembangkan, salah satunya dapat ditambahkan fitur pemberitaan kegiatan polisisatuan pamong praja. Community The civil service police unit (SatPol PP) in South Kalimantan Province is the officer who has the responsibility for policing in public places. In carrying out the duties and responsibilities, it is necessary to schedule the civil service police officers. Civil service police unit officers with the status of contract workers have existed for a long time, as well as civil servants and permanent Satpol PP officers. Workers will be assigned and divided into several fields at the Satpol PP office in South Kalimantan Province, but according to the terms of the contract, the duties for contracted Civil Service Police Officers are only valid for one year after which the Civil Service Police Officers in South Kalimantan Province are obliged to do so. extend the contract period. In order to extend the contract period for the contract staff, terms and conditions are made in order to extend the contract period so that when the contract period is extended, the contract staff can be ensured that they still meet the applicable terms and conditions. Web-Based Application for Recruitment of Contract Employees and Extension of Work Contracts at the Civil Service Police Unit of South Kalimantan Province which has been computerized to help input data quickly and accurately. The application is supported by a data search facility in each sub menu so that all information needed by the admin or employee is easy to obtain, fast and accurate so that it can be managed properly. Suggestions for further research are expected that the application can be developed, one of which can be added to the feature of reporting on the activities of the civil service police unit. 
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Universitas Islam Kalimantan M A B Banjarmasin