Abstract :
Tenaga kesehatan di puskesmas sangat berperan penting dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan kesehatan. Inti dari pelayanan puskesmas tentunya adalah pelayanan dari tenaga kesehatan. Namun kinerja dari tenaga yang lain atau tenaga Non-Nakes juga merupakan unsur yang mendukung tercapai dan terlaksananya kegiatan puskesmas. diketahui bahwa ada kenaikan dan penurunan angka penilaian kinerja pada pegawai di puskesmas Teluk Tiram kota Banjarmasin. Karena itu peneliti ingin mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kinerja pegawai di puskesmas Teluk Tiram Kota Banjarmasin. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif yang bersifat analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik Total Sampling. Hasil penelitian tidak terdapat hubungan umur dengan kinerja pegawai di puskesmas Teluk Tiram dengan p-value=0,388, Tidak ada hubungan jenis kelamin dengan kinerja pegawai di puskesmas Teluk Tiram p-value=0,677, ada hubungan pendidikan dengan kinerja pegawai di puskesmas Teluk Tiram p-value=0,036, Tidak ada hubungan masa kerja dengan kinerja pegawai di puskesmas Teluk Tiram p-value=0,236, ada hubungan lingkungan kerja dengan kinerja pegawai di puskesmas Teluk Tiram p-value=0,036, ada hubungan insentif dengan kinerja pegawai di puskesmas Teluk Tiram p-value=0,036, ada hubungan motivasi dengan kinerja pegawai di puskesmas Teluk Tiram kota Banjarmasin p-value=0,000, Tidak terdapat hubungan kepemimpinan dengan kinerja pegawai di puskesmas Teluk Tiram kota Banjarmasin Tahun 2021 p-value=0,275.
Health workers at the puskesmas have an important role in the implementation of health services. The core of puskesmas services is of course the services of health workers. However, the performance of other personnel or non-Nakes personnel is also an element that supports the achievement and implementation of puskesmas activities. It is known that there is an increase and decrease in the number of performance appraisals for employees at the Teluk Tiram Health Center in Banjarmasin City. Therefore, the researcher wanted to know the factors related to the performance of employees at Teluk Tiram Public Health Center, Banjarmasin City. The type of research used is analytic quantitative with a cross sectional design. Sampling in this study using the Total Sampling technique. The results showed that there was no relationship between age and employee performance at the Teluk Tiram Public Health Center with p-value = 0.388, there was no relationship between gender and employee performance at the Teluk Tiram Public Health Center p-value = 0.677, there was a relationship between education and employee performance at the Teluk Tiram Public Health Center p- value = 0.036, There is no relationship between tenure and employee performance at Teluk Tiram Public Health Center p-value = 0.236, there is a relationship between work environment and employee performance at Teluk Tiram Public Health Center p-value = 0.036, there is an incentive relationship with employee performance at Teluk Tiram Public Health Center p -value = 0.036, there is a relationship between motivation and employee performance at the Teluk Tiram Public Health Center in Banjarmasin City p-value = 0.000, There is no relationship between leadership and employee performance at the Teluk Tiram Public Health Center in Banjarmasin City in 2021 p-value = 0.275.