Abstract :
Reading is an important component, in that reading skills are one of the important aspects
of communication skills that must be mastered in order for someone to be successful in
life. reading is the heart of education. This means that by reading, we will learn and
reason, which leads to obtaining information as the main tool for a good life. Reading
short stories is reading reading that creates an imagination (picture) in the mind. This type
of reading fiction is reading that is full of high fiction. Reading activities in the teaching and
learning process in the classroom involve various factors, namely teachers, students,
media, methods, and places where teaching and learning activities take place.
The population in this study were students of class nine mtsn 5 Batola while the
researchers were selected class 9 A consisting of 22 students. Here using a descriptive
research design. Researchers used complete short stories as a type of test. Students are
asked to read 1 sentence in 8 minutes. The researcher found that the students' ability in
reading short stories in the ninth grade of 5 Batola was still low. This can be seen from the
average value of students 'reading ability is 66.05 and the average value of students'
ability after using the short story is 75.0