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Universitas Islam Kalimantan M A B Banjarmasin
R Medicine (General) 
2022-02-14 03:25:07 
Abstract :
Sisa makanan yakni jumlah makanan yang tidak dimakan oleh pasien dari yang disajikan oleh rumah sakit menurut jenis makanannya. Tujuan penelitian buat mengetahui factor-faktor sisa makanan pasien rawat inap di RSUD Sultan Suriansyah. Metode penelitian survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi pasien yang di rawat inap di ruang nifas dan ruang rawat inap tindakan tahun 2021 sebanyak 50 orang. Sampel sebanyak 50 responden memakai teknik Accidental Sampling. Uji statistik memakai uji Chi Square Test. Hasil penelitian sebagian besar pasien tidak ada sisa<25% 32 orang(64,0%)dan ada sisa ?25% 18 orang(36,0)sebagian besar warna makanan kategori menarik 22(44,0%),kurang menarik 5(10,0%),tidak menarik 23(46,0%)sebagian besar dengan aroma enak sebanyak 44(88,0%), kurang enak 4(8,0%),tidak enak 2(4,0%),sebagian besar bumbu masakan terasa(40,0%), tidak terasa 30 (60,0%),dan sebagian besar porsi cukup 20(40,0%),besar 25(50,0%),dan kurang besar 5(10,0%). Hasil analisis statistic dengan Chi Square menunjukan ada hubungan warna makanan(p-value=0,037),bumbu masakan(p-value=0,012),besar porsi(p-value=0,002,tidak ada hubungan aroma makanan(p-value=0,826)dengan kejadian sisa makanan pasien rawat inap di RSUD Sultan Suriansyah Kota Banjarmasin. Diharapkan pasien buat lebih mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi sisa makanan buat tidak mengabiskan makanan yang telah di sajikanbisa menjadi motivasi seorang pasien buat mengkonsumsi habis makanan yang di sajikan oleh rumah sakit sehingga bisa membantu proses penyembuhan penyakit dan memperpendek hari rawat yang berarti menghemat biaya pengobatan di rumah sakit. Food waste is the amount of food that is not eaten by the patient from what is served by the hospital according to the type of food. The purpose of the study was to determine the factors of food waste in hospitalized patients at Sultan Suriansyah Hospital. The research method is an analytical survey with a cross sectional approach. The population of patients who are hospitalized in the puerperium and inpatient treatment rooms in 2021 is 50 people. A sample of 50 respondents used the Accidental Sampling technique. Statistical test using Chi Square Test. The results of the study most of the patients had no remaining<25% 32 people(64.0%)and there were 25% remaining 18 people(36.0)most of the food colors were in the attractive category 22(44.0%),less attractive 5( 10.0%),unattractive 23(46.0%)mostly with a good aroma as much as 44(88.0%),not good 4(8.0%),not good 2(4.0%),most of the seasonings tasted(40.0%),did not taste 30 m(60.0%),and most of the portions were sufficient 20(40.0%),large 25(50.0%),and less large 5( 10.0%). The results of statistical analysis with Chi Square showed that there was a relationship between food color(p-value=0.037),cooking spices(p value=0.012),portion size(p-value=0.002,There was no relationship between food aroma(p value = 0.826)with the incidence of food waste in hospitalized patients at Sultan Suriansyah Hospital,Banjarmasin City. It is hoped that the patient will know more about the factors that influence the leftover food so as not to finish the food that has been served can be a motivation for a patient to consume the food served by the hospital so that it can help the healing process of the disease and shorten the day of stay which means saving the cost of treatment in the hospital. 
Institution Info

Universitas Islam Kalimantan M A B Banjarmasin