Abstract :
Kota Banjarmasin telah menyusun strategi perencanaan pembangunan sanitasi berupa strategi sanitasi Kabupaten/Kota (SKK). Penyusunan SKK bertujuan agar setiap kota memiliki strategi pembangunan sanitasi yang tepat dan disesuaikan dengan permasalahan yang ada, sehingga pembangunan sanitasi lebih optimal.
Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas pelaksanaan 5 Pilar STBM di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pemurus Baru Kota Banjarmasin. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Metode pengambilan data primer dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam kepada informan.
Hasil penelitian observasi awal yang dilakukan peneliti di kawasan Puskemas Pemurus Baru Kota Banjarmasin melihat bahwa keadaan lingkungan sekitar ruangan sudah cukup rapi akan tetapi ada beberapa ruangan yang masih tidak teratur seperti barang-barang yang masih berserakan, lantai yang berdebu. Setelah dilakukannya analisis 5 Pilar STBM diPuskemas Pemurus Baru KotaBanjarmasin, lingkungan sekitar masyarakat baik ruangan dan halaman masing-masing sudah semakin bersih terlihat dari tertatanya ruangan dan bersihnya lantai ruangan ketika peneliti melakukan pemantauan di setiap minggunya, dan untuk aktivitas fisik seperti olahraga kecil juga berjalan sesuai dengan harapan, begitupun dengan hal-hal lain yang juga semakin membaik disetiap harinya, masyarakat yang sekarang sadar akan kebersihan pribadi dan kebersihan lingkungan disekitar.
The City of Banjarmasin has developed a sanitation development planning strategy in the form of a District/City sanitation strategy (SKK). The purpose of preparing the SKK is so that each city has an appropriate sanitation development strategy that is adapted to existing problems, so that sanitation development is more optimal.
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the 5 STBM Pillars in the Work Area of the Pemurus Baru Health Center, Banjarmasin City. The type of research used in this research is qualitative. The primary data collection method was carried out by means of in-depth interviews with informants.
The results of the initial observation research conducted by researchers in the Pemurus Baru Health Center area of Banjarmasin City saw that the environmental conditions around the room were quite neat but there were some rooms that were still irregular such as scattered items, dusty floors. After analyzing the 5 Pillars of STBM at the Pemurus Baru Community Health Center, Banjarmasin, the environment around the community, both the rooms and their respective courtyards, is getting cleaner, as can be seen from the orderliness of the room and the clean floor of the room when researchers conduct monitoring every week, and for physical activities such as small sports, it also goes according to plan. with the hope, as well as with other things that are also getting better every day, people are now aware of personal hygiene and cleanliness of the surrounding environment.