Abstract :
Tingginya kadar debu batubara di coal handling facility PLTU Pulang Pisau akibat pemakaian batubara jenis low range yang berpotensi terjadinya kebakaran dan gangguan kesehatan terhadap pekerja. Dust suppression system eksisting tipe wet spray tidak dapat dioperasikan karena kondisi batubara yang sudah lembab dimusim penghujan. Selanjutnya untuk mengoptimalkan reduksi debu batubara dilakukan redesign dust suppression system dari tipe prevention (pembasahan batubara) menjadi tipe fog spray dust suppression system (metode penggumpalan debu) dengan tujuan meminimalisir penggunaan air, produksi air limbah tetapi tetap efektif mereduksi debu batubara. Sistem ini menghasilkan kabut air (fog) dari nozzle khusus yang menyalurkan dua jenis fluida secara bersamaan yaitu air dan udara sehingga terbentuklah kabut air dari percampuran dua fluida ini sehingga reduksi debu batubara dapat berlaku efektif tetapi kadar kelembapan batubara tidak naik terlalu tinggi. Dust suppression system tipe ini mampu mengendalikan dan mengurangi debu batubara secara efektif yang ditunjukkan oleh penurunan kadar partikulat PM2,5 dan PM10 dalam udara ambien yang semula terukur 105 ?g/m³ dan 282,6 ?g/m³ menjadi 7,8 ?g/m³ dan 19,4 ?g/m³. Kenaikan nilai moisture batubara sebesar 2,33% dengan kadar maksimum yang diijinkan masuk ke dalam boiler sebesar 40%. Pemakaian air dapat direduksi hingga 5,76 m³/hari serta tidak menimbulkan air limbah.
The high level of coal dust in the coal handling facility of PLTU Pulang Pisau is due to the use of low range coal which has the potential to cause fires and health problems for workers. The existing wet spray type dust suppression system cannot be operated due to the wet condition of the coal in the rainy season. Furthermore, to optimize the reduction of coal dust, a redesign of the dust suppression system was carried out from the prevention type (coal wetting) to the fog spray dust suppression system (dust clumping method) with the aim of minimizing water use, producing waste water but still effectively reducing coal dust. This system produces a water mist (fog) from a special nozzle that distributes two types of fluids simultaneously, namely water and air, so that a water mist is formed from the mixing of these two fluids so that coal dust reduction can be effective but the coal moisture content does not rise too high. This type of dust suppression system is able to control and reduce coal dust effectively as indicated by a decrease in the levels of PM2.5 and PM10 particulates in the ambient air, which were originally measured at 105 g/m³ and 282.6 g/m³ to 7.8 g/m³ and 19 ,4 g/m³. The increase in the moisture value of coal is 2.33% with the maximum content allowed to enter the boiler by 40%. Water use can be reduced to 5.76 m³/day and does not generate waste water.