Abstract :
KUA Kelurahan Alalak tentang biaya akad nikah sementara menetapkan biaya nikah sebesar Rp 600.000,- (enam ratus ribu rupiah). Biaya tersebut dikenakan jika akad nikah dilaksanakan di luar jam kantor dan atau di luar KUA Kelurahan Alalak. Namun jika akad nikah dilaksanakan di KUA Kelurahan Alalak, biaya yang ditetapkan menjadi Rp 50.000,- (lima puluh ribu rupiah). Dan untuk masyarakat miskin, tidak dikenakan biaya alias gratis yang selanjutnya diatur oleh peraturan menteri agama yang dikeluarkan kementerian agama (Kemenag). Dinaikkannya biaya nikah di KUA Kelurahan Alalak dari Rp. 30.000,- (tiga puluh ribu) menjadi Rp 50.000,- (lima puluh ribu) menurut pimpinan KUA Kelurahan Alalak, karena mempertimbangkan adanya inflasi dan kondisi ekonomi lainnya, akan tetapi pemerintah tetap memberika biaya Rp. 0 bagi masyarakat yang kurang mampu
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kebijakan biaya nikah di KUA Kelurahan Alalak dan juga mengetahui pendapat masyarakat terakit kebijakan biaya nikah di KUA Kelurahan Alalak. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskritif. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis mencoba menggabungkan antara jenis penelitian yang bersifat penelitian lapangan (field research) dan studi kepustakaan (library research). Metode Deskriptif,
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Kebijakan biaya nikah di KUA Kecamtan Marabahan sebesar Rp 600.000,- (enam ratus ribu rupiah). Biaya tersebut dikenakan jika akad nikah dilaksanakan di luar jam kantor dan atau di luar KUA Kelurahan Alalak. Namun jika akad nikah dilaksanakan di KUA Kelurahan Alalak, biaya yang ditetapkan Rp 50.000,- (lima puluh ribu rupiah). Dan untuk masyarakat miskin, tidak dikenakan biaya alias gratis yang selanjutnya diatur oleh peraturan menteri agama yang dikeluarkan kementerian agama (Kemenag). 4 orang responden menyetujui dengan alasan bahwa sangat membantu masyarakat yang hendak menikah, yang penting menikah secara resmi, yang dapat menikah dimanapun, dan sangat membantu yang kurang mampu. Masyarakat akan punya pilihan antara biaya nikah yang di laksanakan KUA sebesar Rp. 0,- (gratis) dan atau pelaksanaan diluar hari dan jam kerja sebesar Rp. 600.000,-
The KUA of Alalak Village regarding the cost of the marriage contract
temporarily sets the marriage fee at Rp. 600,000 (six hundred thousand rupiah).
This fee is charged if the marriage contract is carried out outside office hours and
or outside the KUA Alalak Village. However, if the marriage contract is held at
the KUA of Alalak Village, the fee is set at IDR 50,000 (fifty thousand rupiah).
And for the poor, there is no fee or free, which is further regulated by a regulation
of the minister of religion issued by the ministry of religion (Kemenag). The
increase in the cost of marriage at KUA Alalak Village from Rp. 30,000, - (thirty
thousand) to Rp 50,000, - (fifty thousand) according to the head of KUA Alalak
Village, considering inflation and other economic conditions, but the government
still provides a fee of Rp. 0 for poor people
The purpose of this study was to determine the marriage fee policy at the
KUA Alalak Village and also to find out the opinion of the community regarding
the marriage fee policy at the Alalak Village KUA. The method used is
descriptive. In this study, the author tries to combine the types of research that are
field research (field research) and library research (library research). Descriptive
The results showed that the marriage fee policy at the KUA of
Marabahan Sub-district was Rp. 600,000 (six hundred thousand rupiah). This fee
is charged if the marriage contract is held outside office hours and or outside the
KUA Alalak Village. However, if the marriage contract is held at the KUA Alalak
Village, the fee is set at IDR 50,000 (fifty thousand rupiah). And for the poor,
there is no fee or free, which is further regulated by a regulation of the minister of
religion issued by the ministry of religion (Kemenag). 4 respondents agreed on the
grounds that it is very helpful for people who want to get married, the important
thing is to be legally married, who can get married anywhere, and very helpful for
the less fortunate. The community will have a choice between the cost of marriage
carried out by KUA of Rp. 0,- (free) and or implementation outside of working
days and hours of Rp. 600,000,-.