Abstract :
This study aims to describe Mathematical Problem-Based Learning with a
scientific approach on educators class XI MIPA in SMA Negeri 7 Makassar. The result of
the research shows that: 1) In developing RPP, mathematics teacher of XI MIPA class in
SMA Negeri 7 Makassar is still arranged in collaboration, the reason is still lack of
understanding about RPP development mechanism in accordance with Permendikbud
Number 22 year 2016. 2) Problem Based Implementation Process mathematics with a
scientific approach in the class XI MIPA in SMA Negeri 7 Makassar has not run optimally.
This is seen in the indicators at each stage of the core activity on the aspect of the educator
applying the scientific approach, and on the application aspects of Problem Based
Learning has not been fulfilled. The constraints faced by educators are the difficulty of
changing the views of educators who are still a little carried away with the curriculum
before the Curriculum 2013, the lack of knowledge and the ability of educators in
facilitating the process of Problem Based Learning with scientific approach, and time
management in implementing the process of Problem Based Learning Implementation
with scientific approach.
Keywords: problem based learning, scientific