How to be a good Librarian in children’s reading room
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Universitas Merdeka Malang
Khusnawiyah, Diah Wiwik
2020-06-18 03:15:51 
Abstract :
On the Job Training Program or OJT Program is a program used to increase the students? skills before stepping into the real work field. Through this OJT Program, the students are prepared to face the work field by gaining a lot of experience and knowledge to improve their skill. During OJT Program the writer was assigned at Malang Public Library as a Librarian and was responsible for helping the visitors borrowing and returning the books and assisting to manage the children if there were visitors from kindergartens and elementary schools. The writer had encountered some difficult situations at OJT place because the writer did not feel confidence when doing public speaking. On the other hand, SLA (Smart Library Application) was frequently having sudden errors and this greatly hampered the writer?s job. Although it was difficult, still the writer did the best as she could. The writer thought that the OJT program was a good chance for her to upgrade skill, knowledge and practice what she has learned at D-III English program. In addition, from this OJT program the students are expected to be more responsible and professional for doing their job. In other words, this program is aimed to prepare the students who will enter work field to be able to handle the problems that might they face in the future. The writer hopes D-III English Program can gain many relationships with many kinds of institution, such as, regional library and campus library which are not only in Malang, but in other cities too. So in the future, because of this relationship, the students of DIII English Program will grow rapidly every year. 
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Universitas Merdeka Malang