Analysis of base sector determination of Malang by using LQ (Location Quotient) method
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Universitas Merdeka Malang
Cahyanti, Feibe Dwi
2020-10-15 03:09:49 
Abstract :
The central government is actively promoting the national economy. To improve income per capita the national economy, the central government must improve the existing economy in the region first. Regional autonomy, the central government may delegate its responsibilities to the local government to build the local economy. In this analysis the writer used Malang as a data. The vision of Malang City is to leads Malang City to be, first is quality education, second is healthy city and environmentally friendly, third is culturally tourism city, fourth is to developed and independent society while the mission of Malang city are first realize and develop quality education, second to realize the improvement of public health, third to realize the implementation of environmentally friendly development, fourth ensure equitable economy and surrounding areas of growth centers, fifth realize and develop the cultural tourism, sixth embody public service excellence that economic development in Malang are listed in the RTRW (Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah) in 2011-2030. To prove whether the vision and mission of Malang City is running or not it can be analyzed using LQ (Location Quotient) method. The LQ (Location Quotient) method is the way for determining sector and non-sector basis. By knowing the basis of sector and non-sector basis of a region, the government can focus more on the base sector that contributes more in regional economic development.After the analysis using LQ (Location Quotient) method then it is produced that, Malang City is running the vision and mission listed in the document of RTRW Malang 2011-2030. 
Institution Info

Universitas Merdeka Malang