Pengukuran kualitas layanan Administrasi Akademik (AAK) Fakultas Teknik Universitas Merdeka Malang dengan Metode Servqual DAN Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
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Universitas Merdeka Malang
Adrian, Dance
2020-06-18 01:40:46 
Abstract :
Quality of service is an effort to meet the needs and desires of consumers to create services that meet consumer expectations Including academic administration services (AAK) in Faculty of Engineering which directly interact with students, so they must continue to prioritize the quality of services provided. The purpose of this study is to measure quality and find out the gap between AAK Faculty of Engineering services and attributes that are considered important by students (Consumer Requirement) on the design of service quality. Based on the analysis that has been done with the Servqual method, there is a service that does not meet student expectations, namely: The waiting room condition in AAK is adequate, AAK employees provide the right solution, AAK employeescorrectly input the data to Academic Information System or(SIAKAD), AAK employees are well prepared when students need help for administration and the management process at AAK is on time as promised. From the results of Quality Function Deployment, the attributes that are the priority of academic development are: AAK performance evaluation, communication with students, adequate waiting room or chairs, active socialization to students, AAK and more actively communicating lecturers related to SIAKAD and soft skill training development excellent service 
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Universitas Merdeka Malang