Pemaknaan Khalayak Tentang Iklan Gojek Versi Cerdikiawan (Analisis Resepsi Pada Mahasiswa UNMER Malang)
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Universitas Merdeka Malang
Kusuma, Ditiya Wahyu
HM Sociology 
2023-02-08 03:29:00 
Abstract :
Ditiya Wahyu Kusuma with NPK 16033000009 is a student of Communication Science study program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Merdeka Malang. Compiling a thesis with the title " Audience eating about the clever version of Gojek advertisement (analysis of the recipe for UNMER Malang students). " With the supervisor of the fathers Rohmad Effendy and lecturer supervisor two father Imam Patkuroji. The clever version of Gojek's advertisement is one of the advertisements that is viral in 2019 and is widely discussed in many places, and in the same year in 2019 the Gojek advertisement received an award from the imagery of the creative advertisement category with a duration of sixty seconds, then the researcher wants to find out the meaning- the meaning contained in the clever version of the Gojek advertisement whose data and information are obtained from the public. The research objective to be achieved is to find out the meanings in the intellectual version of Gojek's advertisement using qualitative research methods using the theory of reception analysis. Where a single role is held by the audience and not the sender of the message. In the analysis of the meaningful reception obtained from the audience, there are three types of consumption, namely dominant consumption which means that there is no difference in interpretation between the sender of the message and the recipient of the message, the second is the meaning of negotiation, which means that the recipient of the message tends to reject the intent and purpose or is different from that other, and the last one is the eating of opposition, the last meaning is that the meaning of the opposition will have a contrasting or different view from the sender of the message based on his background ideology. The research method used by the researcher is a qualitative research method with a reception analysis theory approach. The reason for choosing qualitative research methods is because the result to be achieved or obtained is a written description or argument from the informants. The results of the research in looking for the meanings in intellectual advertising according to the reception analysis, there are two meanings, namely the dominant meaning and the negotiation meaning, the dominant meaning in this study emphasizes the results of the creative meaning in the intellectual advertisement, while the negotiation meaning shows that this ad only shows a scene. style versus work 
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Universitas Merdeka Malang