Abstract :
The policy based on Bengkulu governor regulations number 52 of 2017 about the change of the Bengkulu governor regulations number 52 of 2017 about Provision of additional income for civil servants in Bengkulu Provincial Government shows that Bengkulu Provincial Government has attention and seriousness on issues of existence and well-being of civil servants in Bengkulu Province. In order to overcome the various problems that occur in government apparatus requiring a comprehensive and ongoing handling , one of them is the provision of additional income with various forms and formulations. The problem of this reasearch is how the implementation of Bengkulu governor regulations number 21 of 2018 about the change of Bengkulu governor
regulations number 52 of 2017 about provision of additional income for civil servant in Bengkulu Provincial Government and what are the supporting and inhibiting factors of the implementation of the gorvernor regulation. This research uses the descriptive qualitative method. Informant in the research includes several informants involved in the policy making, implementer or actor policy from various regional employee organizations. The technique of data collection uses direct observation, detailed interview, interactive approach, documentation study and focus group discussion (FGD). The data are analyzed by using several steps according to Miles, Huberman and Saldana theory, in analyzing data, there are 3 steps that must be taken : data condensation, data display, drawing conclusion and verification. Data condensation refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifiying, abstracting and transforming data. The data verification in this research uses triangualation technique such as check, re-check and cross check to the data obtained from the theory, methodology, and the researcher?s perception. The result of the research shows that communication is done by involving several
parties, in the beginning of communication done by Bengkulu gorvernor with all regional employee organizations to synchronize the understanding dealing with
the importance of providing additional employee income for civil servants. Resources ; resources on the implementation of governor regulations about additional employee income is provided adequately, source of financial funds/funding that is provided large enough. Material resource / infrastructure is used to implement the provided policy adequately such as finger print, appplication software for additional employee income and gadget or handphone
that is possible to use application or program additional employee income. In the implementation of Bengkulu provincial government regulations for state civil servants in Bengkulu government environment, characteristics, attitudes and character of the executors showing honest, discipline and responsible. On the other hand, there is a problem with the spirit of doing the job especially in the
performance report. There is a change that is going on as a whole on the life of the civil servant government apparatus in the whole Bengkulu Provincial Government, in quite a large number , about 7000 employees. The changes are
occuring suddenly, not slowly, but the governor's regulation is enforced , then immediately change the behavior and actions of employees, but the sudden change, doesn't cause chaos, it is orderly change, and even more orderly life.