Motif Khalayak Menonton Channel Youtube Artis
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Universitas Merdeka Malang
Firmansyah, Yoga Satria
HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform 
2023-04-04 03:20:32 
Abstract :
Currently, many people are competing to become a Youtuber, ranging from ordinary people to public figures. Youtube can be used as a place to channel hobbies or talents, for example people who have skills editing good videocan be published so that it is watched by many audiences. But there are also people who create a channel Youtubejust to target Adsense. In this study, we will discuss further about the motives of audiences watching channels artist. What is meant by motive here is an internal factor that builds, guides, and integrates one's behavior. This study will also discuss the habits of the audience that will be survey researchers. So, the problem that arises is what aret hemotives audience's in consuming the channel artist's Youtube? and how's the habit audience in watching the channel artist's Youtube? This study aims to find out what themotives are audience's in consuming the channel artist's Youtube. In addition, to find out about what habits audience in watching the channel artist's Youtubeand also to find out how interesting the content owned by the TV artist is. This study uses a qualitative methodology with a qualitative descriptive method. Informants needed in this study amounted to 3 informants who subscribe channel TV artist. Data collection techniques used by observation and interviews. The data analysis used in this research is data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The location of this research is in Malang City. Based on the research that has been done, the results in this study are the motives of the audience in consuming the channel artist's Youtubeis to get a lot of information, provide entertainment to the audience, these artists are indeed favored by the audience and the content that is currently trending. And the habit of the audience in watching the channel artist's Youtubeis to often take the time to watch Youtube, the time used to watch Youtube before going to bed with a period of approximately 4-5 hours. Audience habit Anotheris when you are with friends who feel you have the same taste in the channel Youtube, the Youtube content becomes the subject of conversation with thefriends audience. 
Institution Info

Universitas Merdeka Malang