Universitas Merdeka Malang
Jemidin, Chaterine Kurniawati P.
HT Communities. Classes. Races
2023-04-05 02:58:24
Abstract :
Today, organizations are required to have advantages in terms of product quality, service, cost, as well as professional and capacity human resources. Human resources are a very important factor to advance an organization or company.
Organizational Citizenshipbehavior is Employeeinfluenced by several factors, one of which is individual characteristics. Every employee in an organization or company has various abilities, creativity, ways of thinking, and talents that can characterize or identify an employee. How to work and solve
problems will be very much determined by his own characteristics. Therefore, individual characteristics are very crucial in an organization / company.
This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of individual characteristics of employees onorganizational citizenship behavior ofPT Victory International Futures Malang. The sample in this study were 60 respondents. The
analysis technique used a simple linear regression test and t test.
Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that the individual characteristic variables show a significant influence on organizational citizenship behavior among employees of PT Victory International Futures Malang, because the individual characteristics of employees can contribute to the company well in terms of job completion, so that the results achieved are in accordance with company expectations.