Abstract :
Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government has provided various changes towards improving the welfare of the community through good service, as well as maximum performance in a direct and transparent manner. With regional autonomy, local governments can pay more attention to remote areas in the framework of equitable development. The BPD is a deliberative body whose members come from the village community and are democratically elected. Besides carrying out its function as a connecting place, between the Village Head and the community. With the BPD it is hoped that the aspirations of the community will be conveyed in carrying out village physical development tasks in line with the Village Head's policies in carrying out tasks. In this case the task of the Village Consultative Body is to oversee the implementation of the village's physical development which is managed by the Village Head as the Village government.
Based on the description contained in the background above, the following is formulated regarding some of the main issues in this study, namely: "What are the roles and functions of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in Development carried out in Pandanlandung Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency.
Based on the results of the interview above, it can be seen that the task of being a BPD is the same as what happened in Pandanglandung Village, namely that apart from knowing the needs of the community, through deliberations it will also reveal every aspiration from the community, this accountability report is intended so that all people know the aspects of the policies that have been implemented. carried out by the Pandanlandung village government, such as the policy of protecting the environment from garbage, maintaining solidarity between communities. and what is expected of the Padanlandung Village community because every policy and decision taken by the BPD must also be aligned with the needs of the Village community so that problems do not create.
Implementation of the Role of the BPD in Pandanglandung Village, Malang Regency The presence of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) has carried out its function in absorbing and channeling community aspirations to support development in accordance with the needs of all village communities. This channeling of aspirations really helps the community in expressing opinions and submitting important proposals for the benefit of village development in accordance with Regional Regulation Number 16 of 2017 concerning the Village Consultative Body. In carrying out the role of the Village Consultative Body in accommodating and channeling community aspirations in Padabglandung Village, Malang Regency, legal consequences were found to be applied, namely administrative sanctions in the form of written warnings and dismissal as members of the BPD.