Abstract :
According to Hadiwijyo (2012: 78) explains that tourism activities can be felt directly on the active participation of the local community. These activities will also support the improvement of welfare in accordance with the ideals of the nation in the ideology of the Indonesian State. A small part of the development of the tourism sector will provide benefits. Community participation is considered to be the main factor for optimizing the management of tourism areas that are especially beneficial for the local community. This shows that there is a name for community involvement which is indeed the main subject in tourism-related activities. So there needs to be local community participation in tourism development efforts in East Java, for example in Coban Talun tourism, Batu City
The government should take steps to develop supporting facilities in the tourism, for example the government helps by adding several new rides and improving other facilities and infrastructure that support the progress of Coban Talun tourism. To realize some of these things, Coban Talun tourism conditions will be better if the development includes the role of the community and government working together in achieving a target. Based on the explanation above, it shows the need for community and government participation in order to optimize related matters to support the development of Coban Talun tourism in Batu City. The purpose of this study is to describe community participation in the development of Coban Talun Tourism in Batu City. To find out the factors driving and inhibiting community participation in the development of Coban Talun Tourism in Batu City. The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The research location for Community Participation in the Development of Coban Talun Tourism in Batu City is located in Tulungrejo Village, Bumiaji Sub-district, Batu City.
Personnel Participation is a type of community involvement that has the ability to be directed in the construction process of tourism goods. They Are Able To Perform Physical Tasks Despite Their Inadequate Financial Resources. Namely Making Rides To Develop Coban Talun Tourism. Not Only Build To Make Rides, In Their Care They Also Put Their Energy To Participate And Take Care Of It Including Completing Facilities And Infrastructure In Coban Talun Tour. Participation in the form of thoughts in the development of tourism objects, namely thoughts or ideas given by the community directly. Participation of expertise is carried out by a person or community in the form of expertise possessed for tourism development purposes. Communities provide or donate their property
to assist the development of tourism products. Informed by the informant that participation in the form of money has been carried out from the beginning of the management of the Coban Talun tourism object. They use the money to support activities to build rides and tourism management that all come from public funds.