TATA KELOLA SAMPAH RAMAH LINGKUNGAN (Studi Kasus Di TPA Supit Urang Kelurahan Mulyorejo, Kecamatan Sukun, Kota Malang Berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Kota Malang No 10. Tahun 2010)
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Universitas Merdeka Malang
Diputri, Angelia Christina
HD Industries. Land use. Labor 
2024-02-07 06:45:07 
Abstract :
The generation of waste in Malang City always increases every year. This is unavoidable because the population of the city continues to increase, and urbanization is rampant. So that the increasing population also affects the amount of waste generation. The increase in the amount of waste generated every year, if it is not accompanied by environmentally sound waste management, waste can potentially cause environmental disturbances. Starting from water, soil and air pollution, it can even cause health, social and economic problems. Where the Regional Government is responsible for the implementation of environmentally sound waste management. So the government continues to make efforts to realize environmentally sound waste management. Waste management in Malang City starts from upstream, namely the collection and collection from households, then handling at the TPS, to the TPA. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze environmentally friendly waste management at Supit Urang TPA, Mulyorejo Village, Sukun District, Malang City. As well as knowing the supporting factors and inhibiting factors in environmentally friendly waste management at Supit Urang TPA. It is hoped that the results of the research can be used as an addition to scientific knowledge regarding environmentally sound waste management and as an example in reducing environmental pollution. And it is hoped that it can be an additional reference for those who will also conduct research later. This type of research is a qualitative research using the Miles and Huberman interactive data analysis method, collecting data by conducting observations, interviews and documentation. The technique for determining the informants in this study used a purposive sampling technique, namely the sampling technique was based on a specific purpose (the chosen person really had the criteria as a sample). This informant is needed to find out the conditions that are suitable for environmentally friendly waste management at the Supit Urang TPA. As the results of research that have been carried out, environmentally friendly waste management is carried out by reducing waste and handling waste. The government has implemented environmentally friendly waste management by providing waste management facilities for the community such as compost houses. Supit Urang TPA has also processed waste that is more environmentally friendly by sorting and composting before landfilling, then the landfill system has also used a sanitary landfill which can support the management of leachate and methane gas. However, the management of environmentally friendly waste at the Supit Urang TPA is still not optimal. Due to facing obstacles, namely the absence of a sorting system from the source of waste generation to the landfill. Where community participation in sorting and 3R is very important. If there is segregation of waste that is carried out from the source of waste generation accompanied by transportation that is also segregated, waste management will be much easier. Then regarding the use of compost, leachate has not been maximally felt by the community. In addition, the handling of methane gas has not yet been carried out. 
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Universitas Merdeka Malang