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Universitas Merdeka Malang
Suntyawega, Aprilia
H Social Sciences (General) 
2024-02-07 06:45:47 
Abstract :
Poverty is a major factor in sanitation problems, because MBR prioritizes basic needs and ignores healthy living behavior. The existence of this program is expected to be able to solve the problem of -based sanitation community, especially in the field of latrines, environmental stewardship, and strengthening the community's economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main problem discussed in this thesis is how the process of providing healthy latrine assistance, and how it is implemented development of healthy latrines. The purpose of writing this thesis is to know the implementation of the community-based sanitation movement program and knowing the driving and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the sanitation program community-based in the acceptance of these healthy latrines. To solve the problems discussed in this thesis, the author using descriptive qualitative methods by collecting data interviews and direct observation. Sources of legal materials used consists of primary legal materials, namely the Act, then legal materials secondary sources in the form of books and journals, as well as non-legal materials, namely interviews, dialogues and observation. Based on the research results, poverty is a problem that have a major impact on public health, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The poor are more concerned with basic needs and ignore health and healthy lifestyle. The Healthy Latrine Program is part of the activities to ensure access to sanitation for MBR (Income Communities Low) through the Village Cash Intensive Work Program for Economic Rehabilitation Village (PKTD-PED) 2021, which aims to reduce poverty become a challenge for districts/municipalities and economic recovery for the community. Bayem Village is one of the recipients of the PKTD-PED program in the District Kasembon because it is one of the villages that flows by a river that makes ODF level becomes high. In Bayem Village, the recipients of healthy latrine assistance a total of 15 recipients, the recipients were selected using the mapping method transparent social. The process of receiving until the handover of healthy latrines carried out for 5 months, as for the driving factors namely cohesiveness and the responsibility of the team while the obstacle is the disbursement of funds so that development time was delayed so that the evaluation process could not be carried out. 
Institution Info

Universitas Merdeka Malang