UPAYA DINAS PERHUBUNGAN DALAM MENERTIBKAN PARKIR DI KOTA MALANG (Berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Kota Malang No 4 Tahun 2009 Tentang Pengelolaan Tempat Parkir Di Kota Malang)
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Universitas Merdeka Malang
Adha, Hendrikus Sare ,
HE Transportation and Communications 
2024-02-12 05:22:22 
Abstract :
The Department of Transportation or commonly called Dishub is one of the Regional Apparatus Work Units (SKSPD) within the Malang City Government which is domiciled as a regional office. The Department of Transportation is the implementing element of the regional government in the field of transportation which is led by the Head of the Service and is located under and responsible to the Regent through the Regional Secretary. The role of the Department of Transportation, especially the Malang City Parking Sector, has a major contribution in controlling parking in Malang City. The Parking Sector itself has the task of carrying out some operational technical activities and/or Service support activities in the field of parking management. The purpose of this observation is to find out how the role of the Department of Transportation in controlling parking in the city of Malang. The type of observation used is descriptive qualitative. This observation was carried out at the Transportation Service Office for the City of Malang City. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documents and archives. The author observes the object under study directly which aims to collect data. The results of the observations show that the role of the Department of Transportation in controlling parking in the city of Malang is quite good. It can be seen that nowadays it is rare to find people who use no-parking areas as parking spaces compared to previous years, even though there are still people who are still parking users. This is a challenge for the Parking Sector to be more effective and maximal in controlling parking. Parking problems should not only be the responsibility of the Parking Sector but also of the awareness of each community. In controlling parking, the Parking Sector has 2 (two) programs, namely the Socialization Program and the Enforcement Program. Basically, the parking sector has carried out its duties and responsibilities properly and maximally. 
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Universitas Merdeka Malang