Abstract :
The tourism industry is one sector that is very important to be developed in today's era, considering how the contribution of this sector to the income of a region. To address this, we really need to prioritize the development and management of the tourism sector so that the existing potential can really be optimized. In the process of managing tourism itself, it really depends on how creativity and innovation in developing the existing potential, so right on this side that is the center of this sector in the process of development and management in order to obtain more output in income and income from an area.
The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of tourism policies in Malang City based on Regional Regulation No. 11 of 2013 concerning the implementation of tourism in Malang City and to find out the obstacles in implementing tourism policies in the city of Malang.
The type of research used in this study is qualitative with a research focus on communication built into implementation, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. The informants in this study were the Head of the Malang City Tourism Office, the Field of Tourism Marketing and the Creative Economy and the Destinations and Tourism Industry of the City of Malang. Data collection techniques based on observation, documentation and interviews From the results of the study that the tourism office of the city of Malang in implementing tourism policies went well.