Universitas Merdeka Malang
Costa, Charmelita Benida Da
HD Industries. Land use. Labor
2024-02-07 06:52:46
Abstract :
The development of the city concerned can be carried out using the results of the income. As a city, Malang is one of several cities that have the potential to provide funds for development. This can be seen from the city of Malang which is surrounded by people from various circles, ranging from immigrants to locals.
The purpose of this study is to determine the efforts made by the Malang City Transportation Service in increasing parking fees in Malang City and the supporting and inhibiting factors of the Malang City Transportation Service in an effort to increase parking fees in Malang City.
This type of research is qualitative based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to examine the condition of the natural object of this study located on Jl. Raden Intan No. 1, Malang City.
The results of this study indicate that parking facilities that are increasingly innovating towards e-parking can bring rapid changes because it can provide convenience and efficiency for the community, the breakthrough application of the Malang Parking Monitoring System (Sitokirma) greatly facilitates the process of collecting data on parking points, parking attendants, potential parking points, checking potential parking points so that the Department of Transportation can determine the amount of retribution that must be deposited by parking attendants to the Department of Transportation, operation of parking controls as an effort for the Department of Transportation of Malang City to monitor parking attendants periodically so that they can take action as quickly as possible and provide sanctions in case of violation. Innovation of facilities and infrastructure, renewal of e-parking innovation, routine coaching activities, implementation of parking control operations and checking potential parking points, with the supporting factors of these efforts, it will provide the best service to the community so that people feel satisfied and contribute well if all the needs of the community can be met.