Abstract :
Work discipline can be interpreted as a condition that is created and formed through a series of behaviors that show the value of obedience, docility, loyalty, regularity and dicipline. Work discipline can be used as reference for the success of an organization, thus to realize this subject the first step that must be taken is how to increase discipline of the employee as it regulated in Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010 concerning with the Civil Servant Discipline. The performance of ASN (State Civil Apparatus) in the Lowokwaru District Office determines how the goals of the agency which can be achieved, and the factor that affects the employee performance is work discipline. The purpose of this study were to describe and to analyze efforts to improve the work discipline of the State Civil Apparatus at the Lowokwaru District Office, as well as to describe and analyze the supporting factors and inhibiting factors of efforts to improve the work discipline of the State Civil Apparatus at the Lowokwaru District Office.
In this study, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection used were observation, interview and documentation techniques. The source of informants were the State Civil Apparatus at the Lowokwaru District Office in Malang City which consisted of the Subdistict Head, Sub-distirict Secretary, and four employees. The analysis used a model from Miles. Huberman and Saldana applied four steps, namely data collection, data condensation, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The research location was at the Lowokwaru District Office, Malang City.
The result of the research that has been carried out through interviews, observations and also documentation shows the obtain of an overview of how work discipline at the Lowokwaru District Office. Work discipline at the Lowokwaru District Office has been implemented well, but there are some obstacles found such as the lack of State Civil Apparatus employees and there are some employees who are ineffective in carrying out their work or work half-assed so that will affect the performance of the ASN. In general, this research contains an overview of efforts to improve the work discipline of the State Civil Apparatus which is measured based on the research focus.