Abstract :
The total allocation of regional school operational assistance funds intended for public elementary schools is Rp. 46,034,000,000 with a total of 193 schools, while for state junior high schools it is Rp. 19,394,200,000 with a total of 27 schools aimed at helping facilitate school financing. The purpose of this study is to find out how the implementation of the Regional School Operational Assistance program is carried out by the Government to Assist the Financing of Schools in the Malang City area and the factors that influence the implementation of the program.
This type of research is qualitative research used to examine the condition of natural objects. This research is located at the Department of Education and Culture of Malang City which is located on Jalan Veteran number 19, Lowokwaru sub-district, Malang City, with five research informants.
The result of this research is the implementation of the BOSDA program as a source of income for schools and to assist schools in meeting their needs. Financing using school operational assistance funds is carried out annually by dividing the process of disbursing funds into 3 stages. The government conducts socialization to schools in order to understand the flow of fund allocation and the process of reporting the use of the budget. The use of the budget is intended for financing that is not included in the financing of the National School Operational Assistance or is insufficient.