Abstract :
In today's life, every human being wants a good, decent life in his life and has a decent life for the welfare of his family. But in reality it did not live up to expectations. This will be a driving factor for the growth of informal economic activities in various forms. One form that is popular in Indonesia is street vendors. The existence of street vendors who are increasingly growing and developing in the Malang city area causes various kinds of problems for the city of Malang itself. Starting from cleanliness, the beauty of the city, traffic jams. traffic, and public order.
In the Regional Apparatus Work Unit (SKPD) and the Malang City Diskoperindag which handles the problems caused by street vendors (PKL) this is from the Malang City Civil Service Police Unit, by controlling street vendors who violate. The process of controlling street vendors in this poor city has not been maximized. Therefore, in this research, the focus of the research is coaching, and the driving factors in the implementation of enforcement. By using several theories that are considered relevant and contextual to the situation in the field.
This type of research is a qualitative descriptive research. Which is located in the Department of Cooperative Industry and Trade Malang City. Data taken through the process of interviews, documentation and field observations. Through this data collection process the researcher tried to find data according to the research focus.
Based on the results of the study, the implementation of the development of street vendors (PKL) in the Malang city area was carried out based on the mayor's regulation which regulates the duties of the civil service police unit itself, which is to bring order to everything that disturbs the peace of society and public order, one of which is traders. street vendors (PKL). So here the development of street vendors in the Malang City Region, through a process of stages, namely oral reprimand, a statement letter 3 times and the last one is controlling.