Abstract :
The performance of the State Civil Apparatus today has always been in the public spotlight on the quality of service. Coupled with the increasingly sophisticated internet technology that allows online news to more easily disseminate news related to the performance of ASN. In the news that was uploaded by Tempo.co on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 13:35 with the headline ?Public Service in Malang and Batu is Still Bad? revealed that based on the results of a survey conducted by MCW (Malang Corruption Watch) and MP3 (Malang Concern for Public Services) from 1,000 respondents, 66% of the public stated that public services in Malang were unsatisfactory. The e-Performance Program is a new paradigm of the performance monitoring system that is present to replace the old system that still uses a manual system, namely DP3 (List of Job Implementation Assessment). The use of e-Kinerja Applications in Lowokwaru District will support the improvement of organizational performance through work performance, potential development and career of the ASN concerned as well as for the development of management, organization and also the work environment.
This study aims to identify and describe the implementation of the e-Kinerja program in Lowokwaru District, Malang City and to find out what factors are supporting and inhibiting Lowokwaru District employees in using the e-Kinerja program. The results of this study are expected to be able to make a positive contribution in the development of the e-Kinerja Program Implementation in Lowokwaru District, Malang City towards a better direction. This research can be an evaluation for employees in improving their performance so that bureaucratic reform in Lowokwaru District runs as expected.
This study uses a qualitative research type, because the research aims to find out and describe in depth to find out the real picture situation that occurs in the field. This research was conducted at the Lowokwaru District Office, Malang City, which is located at Jl. Cengger Ayam I/12 Malang City. The population of this study are employees who work at the Lowokwaru District Office, Malang City. The informants selected by the researcher were selected based on a purposive sampling technique, namely: Head of Subdistrict of Lowokwaru Malang City, Secretary of Subdistrict of Lowokwaru Malang City, Head of General and Personnel Subdivision of Lowokwaru Subdistrict, Malang City and 2 ASN people in Lowokwaru Subdistrict, Malang City.
Based on the research that has been carried out by researchers, the results show that: Implementation of the e-Kinerja Program in Lowokwaru District, Malang City regarding performance planning begins with the preparation of SKP (Sasaran Kinerja Pegawai), the implementation of performance compiling the annual SKP and realizing the annual SKP, monitoring and coaching performance is always carried out by superiors to remind subordinates of their performance, performance appraisal is carried out based on performance achievements, time efficiency and quantity of achievements. The follow-up to the performance appraisal which is managed in a performance information system is in the form of rewards and punishments, the reward here is not always in the form of money/TPP, it can be a promotion when the time comes, while punishment is in the form of a warning from superiors but so far this has never happened. The use of e-Kinerja in Kec. Lowokwaru Malang City, there are supporting and inhibiting factors. Supporting factors include: modern electronic facilities (infrastructure), and proper buildings. Inhibiting factors include: the system network is experiencing disruption, the lack of human resources who still do not understand using the e-Kinerja system, and limited equipment so that it can hamper employee performance.