Abstract :
Sub-district is the division of administrative territory in Indonesia under districts or cities. The position of the sub-district is the district or city regional apparatus as a regional technical implementation that has certain work and is led by the sub-district head. The girlfriend sub-district office is one of 12 sub-districts in West Manggarai Regency This study aims to find out the implementation of public services in girlfriend sub-district, West Manggarai regency. The type of research used in this research is descriptive using qualitative data analysis. While the data collection techniques using interview techniques, observation, and documentation. And the selected informants are the sub-district head and its members and the community who use the services at the Boyfriend District Office, West Manggarai Regency. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of public services in the girlfriend district has been in accordance with the applicable procedures, but there are still some aspects that are still lacking related to supporting factors in supporting the services in the girlfriend district such as computers for now are still lacking, even though in the plan, the girlfriend sub-district wants to increase it. Besides that, it is related to the quality of public services in the girlfriend sub-district, West Manggarai Regency, it can be said to be good. to service users.