Abstract :
The tourism sector is one of the most effective instruments in an effort to encourage regional development, community empowerment, as well as in efforts to reduce poverty. One of the principles of Law Number 10 Year 2009 is to provide benefits for people's welfare, justice, equality, proportionality with the aim of increasing economic needs , eradicate poverty, overcome unemployment and improve environmental and cultural sustainability. Various tourism development models are currently being introduced throughout the world with reference to the goal of improving community welfare, one of which is the community-based tourism model, Community Based Tourism (CBT) which is closely related to the participation of the local community As in the Pujon Kidul Tourism Village which places the community as the main actor through community empowerment in various tourism activities, the Pujon Kidul tourist village often gets awards through agriculture and tourism In the tourist village of Pujon Kidul there is an interesting tourist attraction, namely the Sawah Cafe Tourism, one of the attractions that attracts attention in the tourist village of Pujon Kidul. The potential of tourism such as the rice fields cafe in the tourist village of Pujon Kidul requires proper management of tourism development as an effort to realize sustainable tourism. Because tourism destination management plays an important role in increasing tourism competitiveness. Currently, tourism destinations face complex challenges, ranging from cross-sectoral coordination, increasing attractiveness, and handling environmental quality as well as image improvement. The tourism destination management model must be able to address these challenges appropriately so that it makes a positive contribution to all of its components. Management of tourism destinations must understand the needs and motivations so that they can determine appropriate management methods and avoid decreasing the quality of tourism destinations.
The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the governance of community-based tourism sector development in the rice field cafe tourism in Pujon Kidul tourism village and and to identify and describe the supporting and inhibiting factors that influence the development of the community-based tourism sector in Sawah Café Tourism in the tourist village of Pujon Kidul.
In this study, the type of research used is qualitative research, with a focus on governance of community-based tourism sector development in Sawah Cafe Tourism, Pujon Kidul Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency which includes product development, marketing development, environmental development and participation of community members in developing cafe tourism. Ricefield. As well as supporting and inhibiting factors. Data collection techniques used by researchers are, interviews, observation and documentation. And from the results of the study it can be concluded that the Governance of Community-based tourism sector development carried out by Sawah Cafe Tourism in Pujon Kidul Tourism Village, in developing better rice field cafe tourism in order to provide satisfaction to tourists and increase tourist visits, the management is quite good in terms of product development. , Marketing Development, Environmental Development and Community Member Participation In the development of Sawah Cafe Tourism, it has been said that it is quite good in management in developing rice field cafe tourism.