Abstract :
This study aims to describe the implementation of Malang City Regional Regulations for handling street children as well as inhibiting and supporting factors in the handling process by the Malang City Sosial Service. Meanwhile, the benefit of this research is to provide information and input for the Malang city government and also the poor city community related to the problems and handling of street children.
This type of research uses a qualitative approach based on the philosophy of potspositivism, used to examine the condition of objects naturally with complete data. This research is located in the city of Malang, Kedungkandang sub-district which coincides on Jalan Raya Ki Ageng Gribig No. 15.
The results showed that the Sosial service of the city of Malang in handling street children had been carried out in accordance with local regulations number 9 of 2013 concerning the handling of street children, homeless people and beggars in the city of Malang. In implementing the Malang City Regional Regulations, the Sosial Service makes efforts, namely preventive efforts, repressive efforts and rehabilitatif efforts. In addition, efforts to handle street children are also carried out using Edward III's theory, namely communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. The inhibiting and supporting factors in the process of handling street children carried out by the Malang City Sosial Service. Among other things, there is a good form of communication, namely the cooperation of the Sosial service and the city of Malang with the Satpol-PP in conducting sympathetic raids on street children.