PEMBINAAN APARATUR SIPIL NEGARA UNTUK PENINGKATAN KINERJA PEGAWAI (Studi di BKPSDM Badan Kepegawaian Dan Sumber Daya Manusia Pemerintah Kota Malang)
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Universitas Merdeka Malang
Tajong, Frederika Laura
HD Industries. Land use. Labor 
2024-02-12 05:19:16 
Abstract :
ASN coaching is one part in improving employee performance in existing agencies. As a State Apparatus, the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is obliged to carry out the duties of government and development with loyalty and obedience to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and the state and the government, with this ASN as the implementer of legislation must strive to always comply with every statutory regulation in carry out official duties. The level and role of ASN is very important and needed by the state, where ASN is an element of the state apparatus, state servants as well as public servants who work fully to achieve the interests of the state. The quality of ASN will be proven by the employee's performance in carrying out the duties and roles that have been trusted and carried out by the employee based on the demands of the organization or institution. With this, every individual employee in the organization must be able to play a role in managing and developing their potential so that they can work together and balance with others in optimizing the needs of the community and the state. employee. Performance development for ASN is carried out with the aim of creating compliance with the norms and regulations that apply within the organization so as to lead to efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity. In connection with the existence of a work performance and career system that focuses on the work performance system, it is necessary to carry out the development of the state civil apparatus by regulating provisions regarding appointments in ranks to increase or increase the rank of ASN. Promotion is an award given for the work performance and dedication of ASN to the country. The division and assignment of official duties to ASN is basically a trust from the competent superior with the hope and intention that the task is carried out as well as possible and to the maximum extent possible with full dedication, awareness, and responsibility. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, which is a method of examining status, a group of people, objects, a set of conditions, a system of thought or a class of events in the present. The techniques used in data collection are interviews, observation, and documentation. The research location chosen was in accordance with the title of the thesis, namely: "Development of State Civil Apparatus to Improve Employee Performance (Case Study at BKPSDM Agency for Personnel and Human Resources of Malang City Government). The conclusion of this study is that the State Civil Apparatus Development for Employee Performance Improvement The existing coaching at the BKPSDM office goes through procedures such as improving performance through ASN motivation, which is a condition that motivates employees, especially BKPSDM, giving rewards to ASN for the performance given to employees who are measured. based on their performance, punishment for ASN who violates the rules that have been set, the basic salary of ASN employees is adjusted to the rank and position as well as existing rules. 
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Universitas Merdeka Malang