Universitas Merdeka Malang
Dot, Getrudis Flaviana Putrini
HC Economic History and Conditions
2024-02-12 05:19:42
Abstract :
The concept of the village is a government unit that is at the lowest level, where the village is a government unit that is in contact and works directly with the community and has the responsibility to carry out village government duties. To increase village builders, the government provides Village fund budgets for all villages in Indonesia. The distribution of Village Funds is the first step from the central government in carrying out development in a fair and equitable manner, giving full authority to the village government to manage development. By realizing the principles of transparency and accountability as well as ensuring the achievement of the use of village funds, the process of distributing Village Funds requires several criteria that must be met first, both by the village government as the user of village funds and by the district/city. The use of the Village Fund is prioritized for the development and empowerment of rural communities, especially for improving the quality of life, poverty alleviation, and community welfare. The use of the Village Fund is basically the right of the Village Government in accordance with the authority and priorities of the needs of the local village community while still prioritizing the principle of justice. During the 2015-2020 period, the village fund budget increased from Rp. 20.76 trillion in 2015 to Rp. 71.19 trillion in 2020. Along with this increase, the average amount of funds received per village also increased, from Rp. 280. million per village in 2015 to Rp 950 million per village in 2020. The number of villages receiving village funds has also increased from 74,093 villages in 2015 to 74,954 villages in 2020. Through the very large village funds, Gondowangi can implementing various priority programs for village funds and village development activities, it is hoped that the Gondowangi village government will use them according to planning, prioritize community needs and increase income from the village itself. Some of the existing programs in Gondowangi Village, namely; Community empowerment, road construction, paving, stunting prevention, Covid-19 focus, cultural preservation, village innovation creation, and health improvement. The use of relatively large funds must actually be used and managed properly so that they are right on target, besides that the use and management of village funds is based on the principles of budget effectiveness and efficiency, and is accountable. additional funds from ADD and BHP total income of 1 billion. A policy or program that is planned to be implemented if who implements it can affect others.
The purpose of this research is to find out and describe the implementation of the Village Fund Program in terms of Malang Regent Regulation No. 3 of 2021 concerning Procedures for Determining and Details of Village Funds in Each Village and Technical Instructions for Use of Village Funds for Fiscal Year 2021. In Gondowangi Village Malang, Sub-district Wagir, Malang Regency. The benefit of this research is to provide views and theories about the implementation of public policies through programs and community participation.
The research method used is descriptive qualitative research. The techniques used in data collection were interviews, observations and documentation. The techniques used in data analysis were data collection techniques, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The research location was selected in Gondowangi Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency.
The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Village Fund Program in terms of Malang Regent Regulation No. 3 of 2021 in Gondowangi village, Wagir District, Malang Regency has been running quite well, but problems and obstacles are still found in the implementation process.