Abstract :
The Covid-19 virus has become a scary virus with bad impacts on the current state of human health, but more than that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and also affecting the social, economic and educational conditions of the Indonesian people today. The main problem from the impact of COVID-19 is not only health but also the economy. The policy of the central government by issuing a large budget in an effort to maintain public health, especially the people with the most access, continues to be carried out to the lowest level of government, namely the village. However, over time, various problems were found at the village level regarding cases of corruption, misuse of the budget, and the existence of social assistance that was not well targeted during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is where supervision and control is needed from the village community through their representatives, namely the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in supervising the performance of the village government, especially in handling COVID-19.
The purpose of this study was to find out and describe the extent to which the role and function of the Kalisongo Village BPD based on Permendagri No. 110 of 2016 on village government supervision in handling COVID-19 and to find out the causes and obstacles faced by the BPD in carrying out their duties and functions.
The type of research used in this study is qualitative research with a focus on research on the function of the BPD in supervising the village government in handling COVID-19, exploring, accommodating, and channeling the aspirations of the community as well as supporting and supporting factors for the BPD in carrying out its duties and functions. The informants in this study were the Chairperson and members of the BPD, the village government, the COVID-19 task force, religious and traditional leaders and the local community. Data collection techniques based on observation, documentation and interviews.
From the results of the study that the BPD of Kalisongo Village in carrying out its roles and functions properly and effectively.