Universitas Merdeka Malang
Hervidiella, Linda Ornitha
HD Industries. Land use. Labor
2024-02-13 02:39:48
Abstract :
Human resources act as a driving force for the continuation of the organization or agency. Human resources are the main focus that must be considered in improving employee performance effectively and efficiently. Human resource development aims to hone and improve the quality of intellectual knowledge and skills for each member or employee in an agency to be ready to assume the duties and responsibilities assigned to each employee. Based on the 2017-2021 Strategic Plan (RENSTRA), one of the obstacles in employee performance is that the competence of employee resources is not evenly distributed and does not match the target. These problems arise due to the fulfillment or placement of employee members who are not in accordance with the job analysis from the District Agriculture Office. Blora. Job analysis has not been done properly, and human resource development through training or training has only reached the target of 71%.
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze whether human resource development has an effect on employee performance at the Department of Agriculture and Food Security, Blora Regency. The results of the research are expected to be a reference source for further researchers who examine aspects of human resource development on employee performance and the results of this study are expected to be input in developing human resources.
This study uses quantitative methods used to examine certain samples or populations, with data collection using research instruments and quantitative or statistical data analysis with the aim of testing predetermined hypotheses, with quantitative descriptive research. This researcher uses a survey method, namely, research that takes a sample from one population and uses a questionnaire as the main data collection tool. The use of this type of research aims to find out whether data and information on human resource development have an effect or not on the performance of employees at the Department of Agriculture of Blora Regency. The population in this study were all civil servants who occupied the positions of Group I to Group IV with a total of 44 people. The number of samples from this study was taken as large as the total population, namely 44 employees or samples. Researchers used 44 samples of followers consisting of employees with Group I, Group II, Group II and Group IV within the scope of the Department of Agriculture and Food Security, Blora Regency. The research site is located at the Department of Agriculture and Food Security, Blora Regency.
Human resource development carried out by employees of the agriculture and food security office in Blora Regency can be more flexible and adaptable because employees routinely attend training or training which is carried out every 3 times a year, which means that employees at the Blora Regency agriculture and food security office can definitely improve individual performance, not only individually but in group work. The variable of human resource development has a significant effect on the performance of the employees of the Department of Agriculture and Food Security Kab. Blora. This is evidenced by the results of a simple linear regression analysis, the researchers get the results that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. So from the hypothesis test it was found that there was a significant influence on the influence of human resource development on the performance of the employees of the Department of Agriculture and Food Security Kab. Blora