Abstract :
Looking at the absolute population of Indonesia in the future, the United Nations (UN) estimates that this country will have a population of more than 270 million in 2025, more than 285 million in 2035, and 290,000. This will be everyone 2025-2045. Only after 2050 Indonesia's population will decrease. Indonesia has experienced a rapid urbanization process for 40 years, so that currently more than half of the total population of Indonesia lives in urban areas. This process shows a positive development for the Indonesian economy because urbanization and industrialization will make economic growth more advanced and make Indonesia a country with an upper middle income level. One of the national development priorities in the National Long-Term Development Plan 2005-2025 (RPJPN) is the achievement of balanced population growth. To that end, the BKKBN as the agency responsible for implementing the population management and family planning program advocates for the success of the national development priorities of the RPJPN on the Nawashita Priority 5 Agenda through population development and family planning.
This study aims to describe and analyze population growth control in Social Services P3AP2KB based on PERWALI Malang City No. 66 of 2019 concerning Position, Organizational Structure, Duties and Functions and Work Procedures of the Social Service for Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control and Family Planning. With the use of research is as an evaluation material, and can be used as a reference and add information and knowledge about population growth control in the Social Service P3AP2KB Malang City.
The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with research procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observed behavior. The data collection technique used in this research is interviews. The research location in this thesis is the Social Service Office of P3AP2KB Malang City with a total of 6 informants, with details of 1 Head of Dalduk and Family Planning Division, 1 Plt. Head of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Section, 1 Family Planning Section, 1 family planning instructor and 2 community members who follow the family planning program The results of research at the Social Service Office of P3AP2KB Malang City show that the population of Malang City has increased every year, and therefore the efforts made by the Social Service Office of P3AP2KB in controlling population growth in the city of Malang are by suppressing the population growth rate with the Family Planning (KB) program. transmigration for equal distribution of population, Equal distribution of employment opportunities, Limiting the age of marriage through applicable laws or laws. The purpose of the family planning program itself is to form a small prosperous family in accordance with the economic condition of the family, launch a small family with only 2 children, reduce maternal and infant mortality due to pregnancy at an age that is too young or too old, or due to diseases of the reproductive system, etc. . While the benefits of family planning are maintaining the health of mothers and babies, encouraging adequate breastfeeding and good parenting for children, preventing unplanned pregnancies, etc. There are various types of family planning programs available at the P3AP2KB Social Service Office, such as IUD/Implant KB installation, MOW and MOP services. In order to increase participation in family planning, the Department of Health for Population Control and Family Planning in collaboration with the National Population Family Planning Agency implements free family planning services in a number of villages throughout the city of Malang, especially for long-term contraceptive methods (MKJP) such as IUD and implants.