TATA KELOLA BADAN USAHA MILIK DESA (BUMDES) (Studi Kasus di Desa Gondowangi, Kecamatan Wagir, Kabupaten Malang, Berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Malang No. 20 Tahun 2006 Tentang Badan Usaha Milik Desa)
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Universitas Merdeka Malang
Getris, Maria Elfrida
HD Industries. Land use. Labor 
2024-02-13 02:43:32 
Abstract :
Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) are one of the village business unit institutions managed by the village government and the community. BUMDes cooperatives play an important role in developing the village economy and improving the welfare of rural communities through the utilization of the potential and resources of the village. The importance of governance in BUMDes is needed to ensure the implementation of an organization so that it can run effectively and efficiently. The implementation of good governance and according to the rules can improve the performance of BUMDes and assist in the goals of the BUMDes. The focus of this research is the governance of Gondowangi Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) which includes indicators of planning (planning), organizing (organizing), implementation, monitoring (controlling), and actuating as well as supporting factors and factors inhibiting the governance of Owned Enterprises. Village (BUMDes) Gondowangi. This study aims to describe how the governance of the Gondowangi Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) and what are the supporting and inhibiting factors in the governance of the Gondowangi Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). The purpose of this research is to contribute ideas and theories about the governance of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). This research uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation. The technique used in data analysis is using data collection techniques, data condensation, data presentation, and conclusions. The research location chosen is according to the title of the thesis, namely "Management of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes)" (Case Study in Gondowangi Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency, Based on Malang Regency Regional Regulation No. 20 of 2006 concerning Village-Owned Enterprises? The results of this study indicate the strategies implemented by the Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) Gondowangi in setting targets and goals, including using the POAC principle, namely planning, organizing, implementing, controlling, and actuating. . Planning is a process in which there is a goal setting of BUMDes; establishment of good and correct procedures or management; and the determination of the work program by BUMDes, organization which is related to the placement of the organizational structure in BUMDes; determination of the duties and authorities of each BUMDes management; and the responsibility of BUMDes, implementation, which is related to the implementation process of the work program established by BUMDes Gondowangi, supervision in which there is an assessment/evaluation activity on the performance of BUMDes; and take corrective action on problems found in the implementation of BUMDes, the last of which is the act of providing advice and guidance; as well as providing enthusiasm or work motivation to BUMDes management. The application of the POAC principles is the reason why this BUMDes has been running well until now and has provided many benefits to the community. However, in terms of implementation, there are still problems. The problems in the governance of the Gondowangi BUMDes are the lack of professionalism of technical officers, some people who do not pay dues in an orderly manner, and limited water sources. The above problems need to be resolved immediately so as not to interfere with the activities of BUMDes. 
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Universitas Merdeka Malang