Abstract :
The noble ideals of the Indonesian nation are stated in the preamble of the Law onthe 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which is to protect allthe Indonesian nation, and the entire homeland of Indonesia, and to advancepublic welfare, enlighten the life of the nation, and participate in implementingworld order based on freedom, eternal peace, and justiceIn order to realize these lofty ideals, a future vision is formulatedThe future of Indonesia is the realization of a religious, humane, united societydemocratic, fair, prosperous, independent, and good and clean instate administration. This vision is a guide in realizinggood governance. In realizing good governancethe government must establish a comprehensive public administration systemwith public services that are more relevant to the community.
In the life of the state, public service is an important ilement in a very board aspect of life. The practice of providing publice service is one of the manifestation of the function of the state apparaturs as a public servant. The services expected bt the community are service that are efficient, fast, accauntable cheap and also transparent. The provision of services to the community that is less than optimal,this causes many complaints from the community beccause the service profided by the Pisang Candi village are less than optimal and seem long winded.
The purpose of this study was to determine the efforts to improve employee perfomance in public services and to deretmine the supporting and inhibiting facrtors and efforts to improve employee perfomance in public service. The research method use in this study is descriptive qualitative wich discribes efforts to improve imployee permonce in the public services within the scope of the Pisang Candi govermment .
This study show that efforts to improve imployee perfomance in the Pisang Candi village governrnent environment obtained trought coaching, education and training activites, provision of facilitates and infrastructure, supervision, reward and punishment have been going well and the supporting factors for improving the perfomance of Pisang Candi village employees have been carried out. Some of the education trining attended by village officials and the inhibiting factor and efforts to improve the perfomance of teh Pisang Candi Village employees is in the form of distrubances in work tools wich cause the service process to the community to take longer.