Abstract :
The District Integrated Administration Service (PATEN) is a public service provider in the sub-district from the application stage to the issuance stage of the document in one place. The sub-district is the front line that directly deals with the public, in this case the sub-district government brings services closer to the community by organizing the District Integrated Administrative Service. The purpose of the District Integrated Administration Service (PATEN) is to realize the sub-district as a community service center that creates a service node and brings services closer to the community. In this study using a qualitative approach with a descriptive type of research. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation. while the data analysis model uses an interactive data analysis model according to Miles & Huberman with research informants namely Gondang District employees, Nganjuk District and the Gondang District Community who apply for services. Based on the results of research in the field, it was concluded that in the implementation of the District Integrated Administration Service (PATEN) in the Gondang sub-district, the service process starting from File Submission, File Receipt, File Validation, File Publishing, File Signing and File Submission could not be said to run optimally because of the existence of the quality factor of implementing resources, the lack of service employees, the error of the population system from the center, supervision and public information media.