Abstract :
Education is important to us and education cannot be separated from life. Malang city is known as one of the education cities in Indonesia because there are many schools or universities that are qualified and to support the teaching and learning process to be better needed facilities and infrastructure that support the learning process so that students and educators can do the teaching and learning process effectively. In the city itself there are still schools (junior high schools) whose facilities and infrastructure are still lacking to support the teaching and learning process. Thus the formulation of the problem presented by the author in this study is, How is the Implementation of public services in the field of Facilities and Infrastructure of Junior High School (SMP) in the Education and Culture Office of Malang City? and What are the inhibiting factors in the implementation of public services in the field of Facilities and Infrastructure of Junior High School (SMP) in the Education and Culture Office of Malang City?
This research aims to describe and analyze public services in the field of Facilities and Infrastructure of Junior High School (SMP) in the Education and Culture Office of Malang City and to describe and analyze supporting factors and obstacles in the implementation of public services in the field of Facilities and Infrastructure of Junior High School (SMP) in the Education and Culture Office of Malang City. Data collection techniques used, namely, observation, interview, and documentation and technical analysis of data used, namely data analysis techniques according to miles and huberman (1992) The results of the study explained about the service of junior high school infrastructure facilities in the Education and Culture Office of Malang City, facilities and infrastructure services in the Education and Culture Office of Malang City are good because it uses a priority scale in serving schools in terms of facilities and infrastructure. Infrastructure, the education department uses a priority scale in serving schools due to lack of funds.