Abstract :
Certificate of Inadequacy or SKTM used by the underprivileged as an administration to get various assistance, SKTM itself is a program run by the Indonesian government in order to be able to animate the existing poverty level. Because it is the obligation of the State to provide a sense of security, peace and prosperity to the community. As has been regular in Law number 13 of 2011 concerning the Handling of Poor Families (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2011 Number 83, Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5235). Every community that feels underprivileged and in accordance with the standard criteria to be able to take care of SKTM is entitled to get assistance that has been provided by the government. The purpose of this study is none other than to know and analyze the implementation of population administration policies on the service of Certificate of Inadequacy at tanjungrejo village office in Malang City.
This research approach uses qualitative-descriptive research methods conducted through interviews and observations with respondents and competent sources in their fields related to the objects studied to obtain the required data. The results of the study showed that the Implementation of the Certificate Service Program was Not Capable (SKTM) at the Tanjungrejo Village Office Basically it has been in accordance with what has been mandated by the Law and circulars received from the central government which should then be socialized to the local government to the sub-district level and The village, however, still found some problems that occurred in its implementation so that there needs to be advice that if it can be used to achieve the success of the Unable Uniform Letter Service (SKTM) at the Tanjungrejo Village Office of Malang City.