UPAYA PENINGKATAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN PUBLIK (Studi di Kantor Kecamatan Dau Berdasarkan KEPMEN PAN Nomor : 63/KEP/M.PAN/7/2003 Tentang Pedoman Umum Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Publik)
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Universitas Merdeka Malang
Wea, Skolastika Paula
H Social Sciences (General) 
2024-02-13 03:20:20 
Abstract :
The issue of improving the quality of publik services is an important indicator as an assessment of the performance of both central and regional governments. The implementation of regional autonomy policies is a real action to facilitate publik services in the regions and is a benchmark for the success of regional autonomy policies. The higher level of publik awareness of publik services is a manifestation of the quality of service delivery by the government. However, in practice there are still publik complaints about the quality of services provided such as services at the Dau sub-district office, namely the community does not or does not know the required documents or documents that must be brought when they will take care of their needs, resulting in the community having to return home to pick up the missing files. This has become a phenomenon that is often encountered in today's services, causing publik disappointment with services that are still carried out repeatedly. This study aims to describe efforts to improve the quality of publik services and the supporting and inhibiting factors of efforts to improve the quality of publik services at the Dau sub-district office, Malang district. Meanwhile, the benefit of this research is to be able to provide an objective picture related to publik satisfaction with the quality of publik services at the Dau sub-district office, Malang district and provide information to parties in need, especially for institutions or government agencies in Dau sub-district, Malang district. This type of research uses a qualitative approach based on the philosophy of potspositivism, used to examine the condition of objects naturally with complete data. This research is located at the Dau sub-district office, Malang district, which coincides on Sengkaling highway No. 133, Sengkaling, Dau sub-district, Malang district. The results of this study indicate that the Dau sub-district office, Malang district has made efforts to improve the quality of publik services based on the service standard of KEPMEN PAN Number: 63/KEP/M.PAN/7/2003 concerning general guidelines for the implementation of publik services. The Dau District Office makes efforts to simplify service procedures by providing convenience through service counters and service mechanism information, in addition to trying to provide services in a fast time, namely with an online service system and cutting out convoluted service procedures and the Dau sub-district office as well. eliminate service fees for all services provided. The existence of adequate facilities and infrastructure, namely the completeness of facilities for service providers and facilities in the waiting room for service users that support the service process so that services become faster and the competence of Dau sub district office employees in accordance with their respective duties and functions in carrying out services. The supporting factors in efforts to improve service quality are the competence of employees who provide services and adequate facilities and infrastructure so as to assist the implementation of more effective and efficient services. Supporting factors become one of the supporting indicators in efforts to improve service quality. The inhibiting factors are community resources who do not know the online-based service system so they have to take care of their needs to the sub-district office or do it manually and other inhibiting factors, namely slow internet connection constraints that often occur during the service process which causes slow service. 
Institution Info

Universitas Merdeka Malang