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Universitas Merdeka Malang
Moru, Stefania Yanti
H Social Sciences (General) 
2024-02-13 03:21:06 
Abstract :
Public service is essentially the provision of excellent service to the community which is the embodiment of the obligations of government officials as public servants to provide optimal and quality services. The purpose of this study was to describe the quality of crowd permit management services and to describe the supporting and inhibiting factors for the quality of crowd permit processing services at the Dau District Office, Malang Regency, located on Jl. Raya Sengkaling No. 200, Mulyoagung, Dau Malang District, East Java. This research is a research with a descriptive qualitative approach. . The focus of this research is the quality of crowd permit management at the Dau District Office in serving the public with the concept of excellent service. Data collection techniques in this study using interviews, observation and. The analytical tool used is an interactive model of qualitative data analysis from Miles, Hubberman, and Saldana. The results of the research on service quality at the Dau District Office, Malang Regency can be assessed using five prime indicators, namely Tangibles appearance, comfort, and convenience that have been implemented and fully implemented regarding the convenience of the service place. reliability accuracy, capability has been implemented and runs according to the expectations of the service user community. Responsiveness, quickly, carefully, and responds to complaints from service users is implemented according to the wishes of the community because if there are complaints from the public, the employees immediately respond and resolve the problem. Timely assurance and guarantee of cost certainty are in accordance with the wishes of the service user community, this is proven because there are no complaints from service users regarding these indicators. Empathy prioritizing the interests of service users, friendliness, and courtesy are in accordance with the wishes of the service user community. Supporting factors in service quality are the existence of adequate human resources and infrastructure, while the inhibiting factors in service quality are data problems and the lack of community participation in managing crowd permits. 
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Universitas Merdeka Malang