Abstract :
Public services are all forms of activity in the context of achieving basic needs in accordance with the basic rights possessed by every citizen and resident of an item, service, and or administrative service provided by the service provider related to the public interest. Public service is one of the steps used by the government to realize quality public services, namely the enactment of the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 4 of 2010 concerning Guidelines for Integrated District Administration Services (PATEN). The purpose of holding PATEN is to improve service quality and bring services closer to the community. The PATEN system positions the community solely in relation to the service desk/counter staff in the sub-district. The District Integrated Administrative Service (PATEN) is held with the aim of realizing the sub-district as a community service center and becoming a service node for the one-stop integrated service agency/office (PTSP) in the Regency/City for sub-districts whose geographical areas will be more effective and efficient served through the sub-districts. . Based on the background that has been described, the formulation of the problem can be described, namely how to implement the PATEN policy in Rejoso District, Nganjuk Regency and what are the driving and inhibiting factors in implementing the PATEN policy in Rejoso District, Nganjuk Regency.
This study aims to describe and analyze the implementation of the PATEN policy in Rejoso District, Nganjuk Regency. As well as to describe and analyze the driving and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the PATEN policy in Rejoso District, Nganjuk Regency. Theoretically, this research is to develop the science of Public Administration in District Integrated Administrative Services (PATEN) in Rejoso District, Nganjuk Regency. Practically, for the community, through this research the author can provide a few ideas and thoughts that can be used as comparison material for those who need to use the basics for the same research. For Rejoso District, this research is expected to be an input for the Rejoso District Government and Nganjuk District Government in developing PATEN throughout Indonesia. For Merdeka University Malang, this research can be used as reference material for relevant research, especially students of the Public Administration Study Program
This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Lexy J. Moleong (2010:6) defines qualitative research as research that intends to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the research subject, for example behavior, perception, motivation, action, holistically by means of description in the form of words and language, on a special context that is natural by utilizing various scientific methods. This research took place in Rejoso District which is located on Jln. Bojonegoro No.01, Talang, Rejoso, Nganjuk Regency, East Java 64453. 8 (eight) Structural Positions in Rejoso Subdistrict, 7 (seven) structural positions and 1 (one) structural position are still vacant and assisted by 6 (seven) structural positions. six) staff. The selection of informants is done purposively. The informants selected in this study were the Secretary of the Sub District of Rejoso Sub-District, Head of Sub-District General Affairs Head of Sub District of Rejoso, Head of Sub-District of M&E in Sub-District of Rejoso. And, the community as the recipient of the service
The District Integrated Administrative Services in Nganjuk Regency, especially in the Rejoso sub-district, can already be categorized in good condition, this can be seen based on the determining indicators in public services. Service procedures, which include whether there are fixed procedures/Service Operational Standards (SOP), are there open procedures, how they are implemented, have they been implemented consistently and how easy it is to support the smooth running of existing services, can be categorized as good. Certainty in the implementation of services, namely including the implementation time and costs in implementation whether they are in accordance with the adjusted tariffs included in the good category, 4. Service product quality indicators, namely service quality which includes how the service works, is it fast/correct and whether the work results are good/decent good. Information disclosure on the type of service, which includes whether there is disclosure of information regarding procedures, requirements and service costs, can clearly be recognized by the public as service users who are categorized as good service