Abstract :
Poverty is not a new issue, until now it is still be problems in Indonesia. Malang Regency itself is the problem of poverty still relatively high. One of the government's policies to tackle poverty through the Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUBE) program through Dinas Sosial Malang of Regency. The approach used in this research is qualitative with descriptive research type. By using the technique data collection, namely interviews, observations, and documentation. Model analysis data used is the model according to Miles & Huberman. Informants in this research is an employee of the Dinas Sosial of Malang Regency in the Handling Sector The Poor in the Assistance and Empowerment Section, KUBE Facilitator in Malang Regency, and KUBE members in Malang Regency. Based on the results research conducted by researchers found that efforts the KUBE development program at the Malang Regency Social Service consists of: socialization, application and utilization of business capital assistance, guidance further and administrative coaching, business skills training, KUBE assistance programs, monitoring and evaluation of KUBE programs, and reporting can be said to be not optimal. The factors that become obstacles in its implementation, namely the limitations of human resources implementing activities, lack of collaboration with cross-sectoral, quality level of KUBE members' human resources low levels, lack of motivation from KUBE members, and poor product marketing still conventional.